Friday, August 30, 2002 23:56 CDT
Hey Koha folks,
Just finished skimming through the transcript of the IRC mtg. and had one
minor correction to offer:
MARC21 is the emergent *North American* standard and represents the
collaboration of LC and the NLC (National Library of Canada) in creating
the unified MARC21 out of differing practices in USMARC and CANMARC. This
is ongoing, of course (still hammering out things, as attested in AUTOCAT
listserv discussion on differing application of genre terms despite the
'decision' to adopt the Canadian codes, still resisted in practice by
former USMARCers).
If you want to check on this, visit either the LC or NLC site for info the
history of MARC21 and you'll see that Paul was a little off in saying that
MARC21 was US only.
Steven F. Baljkas
lib. tech. lurker in Winnipeg, MB, Canada