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RE: I18n (was Re: [Koha-devel] From the Kaitiaki)

From: Nicholas S. Rosasco
Subject: RE: I18n (was Re: [Koha-devel] From the Kaitiaki)
Date: Mon Sep 16 17:07:03 2002

This is also the case in "my" library. Because Koha will support
MARC, this problem is partially solved (e.g., the existence
of the "246" tag; we use a subfield inside "245" to encode
parallel titles, but that breaks down when the book has three
titles e.g., Chinese, English, and French).

At a thought, worst case is we can possibly solve this with some trickery
with multiple "branches"...
instead of somewhere being just locationname, it could have multiple
branches covering the multiple languages or somesuch?

Just a thought,

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