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[Koha-devel] MARC21 - Homebranch and holdbranch mapping

From: Ingrid Lacis
Subject: [Koha-devel] MARC21 - Homebranch and holdbranch mapping
Date: Wed Apr 16 16:12:13 2003

I tried figuring this out myself and reading previous postings on this subject but ---

Koha tells me (MARCcheck) that for MARC21 homebranch and holdingbranch are not mapped. That I must have both mapped to a MARC subfield and the corresponding subfield must have authorised value= branches.

In MARC subfield structure admin for 995 I have
c holdingbranch items.holdingbranch Yes No -1 branches
d homebranch items.homebranch Yes No -1 branches

What am I doing wrong?

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