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[Koha-devel] Handling forms

From: Owen Leonard
Subject: [Koha-devel] Handling forms
Date: Thu May 1 09:34:24 2003

I'm not sure if it's handled the same everywhere, but in the process for adding 
a new member, if you leave something blank, an error page tells you to hit the 
back button and correct the mistake.

The way I try to build such pages in PHP is to have the page submit to itself, 
and if there are errors, the form can be redisplayed with the submitted values, 
and error messages can be added by each mistake.  This makes it much clearer 
for the user (by marking each mistake where it was made), and prevents the 
possiblity of the form being empty when you hit the back button.

Would this be possible with Perl and HTML::Template?  I think it's a much more 
user-friendly system, if so.

  -- Owen

Nelsonville Public Library
Koha 1.9.2

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