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[Koha-devel] CVS status, the next 2 weeks & holidays

From: Paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-devel] CVS status, the next 2 weeks & holidays
Date: Thu Jul 15 03:30:10 2004
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Hi koha developpers,

I've commited my last stuff. It's about "suggestions" (I don't have replaced the word by "request", as "request" is used in Koha for "book reservation"). I think acquisition should work, but probably poorly. It's because I've modified the DB structure, to fix a long lasting problem that causes race conditions & limited features. For instance, there is nothing to describe a "basket". A basket is only stored in order lines. now, a table, called "aqbasket" will store "orders headers".

Other features in CVS are :
* baskets in OPAC. doXulting commited it's work, it works fine, except for mail sending of a basket that will be completed soon, to let the user choose the format of the mail (iso2709, attached file, biblio in mail...) * Authorities management : seems to work fine. Needs some documenting (IMPORTANT : jean, pls, write some doc on the wiki to explain how authorities work) I've updated the wiki roadmap page (www.koha.org/wiki) to reflect Koha status.

The roadmap is still valid, except for 2.1.1 that will be released a little bit after july 30 (because of my holidays).
The 2.2 should still be released in end of september.

In the next 2 weeks...
* I'll be off. It's Holidays here in France. I'll be back on August, 1 (or maybe 2) * Jean baron will work on serial cataloguing, serial management (subscription...)
* doXulting should complete OPAC baskets.
* Stephen Hedge (from NPL) & Irma birchall (from NZ) should work on onlineHelp. don't hesitate to give them a hand if you have some time to spend.

Bye & see you again in august. Take care of our common dream becoming reality.

Consultant indépendant en logiciels libres
responsable francophone de koha (SIGB libre http://www.koha-fr.org)

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