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Re: [Koha-devel] Koha 2.2.0RC2 released

From: Cuenta General
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] Koha 2.2.0RC2 released
Date: Sun Nov 21 19:36:40 2004
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.6 (Windows/20040502)

Paul POULAIN wrote:

It's here :

Diff 2.2RC1 => 2.2RC2
* bugfix for import in reservoir : title and isbn where not extracted.
* bugfix in OPAC : it was possible to reserve books that where "notforloan" * bugfix in circulation : no warning when a reserve was made on a book that you try to issue to someone else.
* bugfix & improvement for catalogue management behaviour when MARC=OFF
* bugfix in bookshelves (in CVS, probably not in official tar.gz)
* bugfix in online help (in CVS, probably not in official tar.gz)

updater should work between 2.2.0RC1 and 2.2.0RC2 (pls report any upgrade here to confirm)

I have updated a 2.0.0 version with some issues:
In the installfiles routine (sub neatcopy), it has produced an error. Can not copy directories. It has been solved adding a line that create the target directory after the rename of the old one

system("mv ".$tgt." ".$tgt.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M",localtime()));

system("mkdir ".$tgt);   ##New line

There is other error in the updatedatabase script that i have been not able to printout. It says an error in the syntax of the generated sql. it seems to be on the auth_header table (the last comma)
Pablo Villanueva

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