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Re: [Koha-devel] Reminder: Bugsquash Mtg Tomorrow

From: Rachel Hamilton-Williams
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] Reminder: Bugsquash Mtg Tomorrow
Date: Mon Jun 13 15:22:35 2005
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (Windows/20040913)

Appologies from Me (and I suspect Chris) 3am is pushing it for us :-)


Joshua Ferraro wrote:
Hi everyone,

Just a friendly reminder of our Bug Squashing Session. Tomorrow (June
14) at 15:00 GMT. Here's the time in your area: http://tinyurl.com/779cy

I count 66 bugs in 2.2 and HEAD: http://tinyurl.com/as66z

Please join us if you can.

Rachel Hamilton-Williams
General Manager
Katipo Communications Ltd

Phone:  +64-4-934 1285
Mobile: 021 389 128
E-mail: address@hidden
Web:    www.katipo.co.nz

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