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[Koha-devel] Tagging in Koha OPAC

From: Matti Lassila
Subject: [Koha-devel] Tagging in Koha OPAC
Date: Wed Oct 5 09:35:00 2005
User-agent: KMail/1.8.1

A little feature suggestion to the future version of Koha OPAC:

While ago I read a book called The Power to Name by Hope A. Olson. In the book 
Olson proposes an user contributed classification system in library catalogue 
as a way to empower people. She critizises the bias found in subject 
representation found in library catalogues and makes a skectch of a system 
where users are able to make connections between books and add their own 
subject headings.

And look what we have today - The Library Thing (www.librarything.com)  - an 
online service which enables users to catalogue their own books and add 
metadata, like tags, to the books, like in del.icio.us or in flickr. Just 
like Olson imagined.

I think that we should add the tagging feature to Koha as soon as possible. 
Then Koha could be the first tagging-enabled ILS and the publicity would be 
huge - great PR to the project and to the open source movement overall.

There's an open source tagging module Freetag written in PHP 
(http://www.freetag.org/) . It could serve as a starting point.

Best regards,

Matti Lassila

The man who doesn't read good books
has no advantage over the man who can't read them.

---Mark Twain

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