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Re: [Koha-devel] zebraop commented [for joshua 1st]

From: Henri-Damien LAURENT
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] zebraop commented [for joshua 1st]
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 12:25:07 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20061025)

Paul POULAIN a écrit :
> Hi again,
> Joshua, you told me yesterday that the commenting of zebraop (*) in
> dev_week was not a bug, but due to a problem with _zconn in Koha (that
> looses the connection we don't know why) + it seems that updates are
> long on large databases.
> Thus, for adding/updating biblios/items, NPL uses update_items script,
> running once a day (and thus having a zebra DB uptodate only once a
> day, which can be considered as a shame, even if not blocking)
> SAN-OP will go live in january, 3rd, and will do large test (library
> closed to public, everybody working/testing koha) on dec, 14th, to I
> thought it could be a good idea to investigate the problem during
> those tests.
> Joshua told me that NPL uses zebra 1.x, and SAN-OP will use zebra 2.0,
> so maybe it could solve the problem.
> Here is my question : how do we know that the update/insert went wrong
> ? an internal server error ? an error in the log ? nothing, just being
> unable to find the added/modified biblio/item ?
> Did the problem occur once a week or once every hour ? did they notice
> it occurs more on heavy load or any particular situation ?
> I'll report here the result of SAN-OP tests. Hoping zebra 2.x will
> solve it.
> (*) zebraop is the sub that is called when a biblio/item is
> added/updated/modified.
Some update performance on large database issues were raised quite
recently on zebralist.
It is latest yaz version and zebra can be part of the solution.
It is also said it improves stability.
Henri-Damien LAURENT

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