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Re: [Koha-devel] popularity (in 3.0) [for joshua]

From: Joshua Ferraro
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] popularity (in 3.0) [for joshua]
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2006 05:33:14 -0800
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

On Wed, Dec 06, 2006 at 11:57:33AM +0100, Paul POULAIN wrote:
> The popularity, in dev_week, is stored in items (952). That is wrong 
> according to me, because, if a book we have 4 items is issued 
> 20+19+31+38=98 times, it's much more popular than a book issued 45+0+0+0 
> times
I 100% agree.

> That's why I propose to move the popularity field to a biblio area.
> The popularity field is indexed in zebra through update_items.pl script.
This script should probably be re-named update_zebra.pl ;-)

> I suggest using a non standard MARC field for this.
> For UNIMARC, I think 2xx area (descriptive informations) could be a good 
> candidate. I choose (randomly) 349$a to store it. It will contain 
> summ(items.issues) where biblionumber=xx
> I modify update_items & zebra config files accordingly, let me know if 
> you are OK with this suggestion + let me know what to use in MARC21.
I propose that we store the total count somewhere at the biblio or
biblioitem level. Otherwise we'll have to do a lot of counting while
indexing and that could be expensive for large collections.

In terms of where to store it, why not in the biblioitems mapping tag
(e.g., 942)? I'm not aware of any standard MARC tags for storing it.


Joshua Ferraro                       SUPPORT FOR OPEN-SOURCE SOFTWARE
President, Technology       migration, training, maintenance, support
LibLime                                Featuring Koha Open-Source ILS
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