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Re: [Koha-devel] Time estimate for the translation of koha

From: Axel Bojer
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] Time estimate for the translation of koha
Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2007 10:15:58 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070728)

Axel Bojer skrev:
I also see that you have a web interface:

I forgot the links:

Norwegian bokmål is viewed as "0 %" and "508 lines"
for the file: nor_npl_classic_opac
wich is yet another(!) po file name.


"Click on a filename below in order to add suggested translations. Each language will have at least two files, one for the Public (OPAC) and one for the staff (Intranet). Some will have more because of the various 'themes' and 'versions' available."

Is this so to understand, that only two files (the above mentioned pot-files: css_opac.pot and default_intranet.pot) are really needed to get a fully localized interface, and that the others are optional? And why do you then need over 5000 extra lines for themes? That is above me. And what exactly do you mean by "versions"?

The information I found told new translators to ask everything at the mailing list :-)

Best regards
Axel Bojer

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