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Re: [Koha-devel] Time estimate for the translation of koha

From: Axel Bojer
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] Time estimate for the translation of koha
Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2007 20:35:38 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070728)

Joshua M. Ferraro skrev:
Hi Axel,

Welcome to the Koha community, and thanks for your interest in
translating Koha into norwegian bokmål, we'd love to support your
effort in any way possible.


As you point out, there are several methods and sources for translating
Koha. The majority of the work involves generating and translating
a POT file for the interface (OPAC vs Staff)

Ok. So these are the two mentioned pot-files, I suppose, that is:
-- css_opac.pot [472] and default_intranet.pot [2576] ?

and the version of Koha
that you're wanting to translate (2.2.8 vs 2.2.9 vs 3.0) and finally

Which file(s) is this?
-- css_intranet* [3998]

the template/theme (in 2.2 series, there are two public themes,
default and npl).

Why different translations for different themes? Are'nt themes just different viewes put on top of the same mainframe?
And what are the differences?

-- default_opac* [200--205]
-- npl_intranet* [3175]
-- npl_opac* [507]
could perhaps be the different theme files?
But then again why is the npl_intranet* so much bigger?

Translations of Koha between minor version releases don't have many
changes, there would only be at most a few new strings or changes to
strings. So a translation of 2.2.8 will _mostly_ work for 2.2.9.

Since 2.2.9 is the latest version I don't see any point in translating anything other than the latest version, do you? :-) Also I would like to know if there are concrete planes for any new versions in the near future? But since changes are not that big from one version to the next (you said), I then suppose just updating fro 2.2.9 too wathever next would be no problem :-) The po-files on the webpage ( http://translate.koha.org/get_tables.php?lg=en&view=all ) are, I suppose, also for version 2.2.9, are they not?

The purpose of translate.koha.org is to simplify the process of maintenance of the POT files. To be sure, it could use a bit more
maintenance. We're currently lacking an official 'translation
manager' for the Koha project, but I do my best in my spare time
to verify and add translation requests to that site.

Could you then add all the needed files for the norwegian translation? I have started on the one I found there, just to have a glimpse on it and to see what awaits us :-)

So ... the first thing to do is consider what version of Koha you
want to translate. If the 2.2.x version, you can add your translation
to translate.koha.org, or generate a POT file from 2.2.9 and translate
that. If for 3.0, the templates haven't been 100% signed off yet,
so it'd be best to wait until that happens before spending too much
time translating a POT file from that code base.

Ok. We will concider wether taking the pot files directly from the tar-gz-file or using the web interface would be better, we are used to Kbabel, but I am testing out the ladder too :-)

BTW: Would'nt it be less work and make it easier for translators too to include the questions I have asked and their answers somewehere on the web page, for instance on:
(that is almost empty now)

Then newcomers would not have to wonder, for long that is, about the same as me :-)

Note also, I've cced this to koha-translate, a list dedicated to
dealing with translation issues for Koha:


I am now a member of that list too :-)

Best regards
Axel Bojer

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