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Re: [Koha-translate] Ukrainian face for KOHA

From: Paul POULAIN
Subject: Re: [Koha-translate] Ukrainian face for KOHA
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 15:33:52 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060719)

Serhij Dubyk / Сергій Дубик a écrit :

Hello Serhij,

1st of all, I really must apologize, because your mail is 4 months old...
the good news is that I never (or almost never) loose an important mail, and your was in "todo", but I could not find time to act...

Here are a few Ukrainian things:

(need I send full template folders?)

That's a good question... I think that yes : Koha 2.2.x is now stable enough to be sure it won't change too many times.

anyway, i've added your .po files.
If you could update them to be 2.2.6 compliant in the next 2 weeks, then I could release 2.2.6 with official support of ukrainian language.


Thanks, added to CVS

3)small sql-datas

Thanks, added to CVS

 Small count of visible string I not found, but I maybe look for it in new


?) Question about traslation /value_builder/, plugins..?

plugins have been written initially to french directly. I could not find time (& courage) to translate them to english, then again do the translation english => french). Sorry.

?) In unimarc_fr/structure_def.sql is present holding information (9XX) on
French, - whether I can somewhere find the names of these fields/subfields
on English?

I don't know

 During a translation I collected difficult and significant words in a
dictionary, some of these words I would like to add in a
DifficultTerms-page (but whether I can to do it in a utf-8 encoding?)

that's OK for me (& iirc, you already did it on wiki.koha.org isn't it ?)

 In our library we use ISIS long time. Previously our ISIS-DB was accessed
for OPAC with self-programmed code (OpenISIS+Perl).
 But now I do not want to invent a wheel. Hope in course of time to bring
in the deposit in Koha (what to me all anymore and liked anymore).
 At this moment we are engaged in the concordance of all of our DB (on the
whole near 200.000 records) from Unimarc, in search of bugs, duplets,
farther converting in Unimarc-Slim (OpenISIS+Perl) and in Unimarc

that would be good !

 I also am very interested in Koha CD, whether Koha CD will be let out
with an update version?

I don't know. I'm not sure anyone take care of Koha CD atm...

Paul POULAIN et Henri Damien LAURENT
Consultants indépendants
en logiciels libres et bibliothéconomie (http://www.koha-fr.org)
Tel : 04 91 31 45 19

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