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[Libcdio-devel] 'volname' command

From: R. Bernstein
Subject: [Libcdio-devel] 'volname' command
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 08:11:43 -0400

Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò writes:
 > Hi,
 > As I"m still writing the eject drop-in replacement, I'm thinking if I should 
 > replace also the 'volname' command which is provided by current eject 
 > package.
 > Still I don't think it's something for unieject as that's an "Eject" 
 > package, 
 > and volname seems something more useful if it was added on libcdio itself.

I'd like to believe libcdio is trying to make it easier more portable
in writing CD-ROM applications. So unless there is widespread dissent
on this mailing list (but generally things are a bit quiet if not
down-right apathetic) I'm in favor of adding into libcdio.

 > If this is the case, I can try to code a volname replacement using 
 > libcdio/libiso9660 and then change Gentoo's portage to use that volname as 
 > default (or at least try to see if it's ok for other devs, too, this is just 
 > my opinion about this command).

In addition to the above libcdio statement/goal, I like to believe the
libcdio project also welcomes, fosters and solicit opinions and
comments.  (Well, actually many of them have been negative, perhaps
because the API is bit bloated; but that's okay too.  And if someone
wants to unbloat it, that too is much welcomed and appreciated!)

In sum, I think unless there are vehement objects (again see comment
above on verbosity/apathy), it will happen pretty much as you want it
to happen.

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