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[libredwg] Fwd: please help transform of coords for Prishtina DXF

From: address@hidden
Subject: [libredwg] Fwd: please help transform of coords for Prishtina DXF
Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 13:16:14 +0100

here is another test case

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: address@hidden <address@hidden>
Date: Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 1:12 PM
Subject: please help transform of coords for Prishtina DXF
To: address@hidden, address@hidden, "PROJ.4 and general
Projections Discussions" <address@hidden>

I have here a dxf file of Prishtina in high quality.

I have been able to convert it to lat/lon like this
cs2cs +proj=utm  +zone=34T +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m -f \"%.7f\"

Problem is that most of the points are in relative position, there is a grid.

I have pushed a version of two nickels that can process alot of this :
To address@hidden:h4ck3rm1k3/TwoNickels.git
  c8e4009..41f23f1  master -> master

It produces osm files with data in three groups :

1. points that are exact on the mark, (few)
2. points on the equator (0,0) relative to something
3. points that seem to be shifted over from utm34T

        720496.25, 506444.9375 -> 22.987450699423831679, 4.5791053696411907481

I have created averages of good points versus the shifted ones and
came up with these constant shifts:
       $n -= 187380;
       $e += 4228672;

They are still 15km off of prishtina..

So I would like one of you to please help with the autocad and
transform all coordinates into some single form so I can convert them.
Or please advice on these points.


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