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Re: Fwd: [libredwg] how can i contribute

From: Jonathan Greig
Subject: Re: Fwd: [libredwg] how can i contribute
Date: Sat, 23 Jan 2010 14:11:14 -0600

I tend to agree with you for the most part that R2000 is typically the oldest you will see, although many CAM systems/machines adhere to R12, so I wouldn't say it is a waste of time.

On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 6:26 AM, Jake Abel <address@hidden> wrote:
There are several pre-2000 versions (R12, R13, R14, earlier) but modern
AutoCAD can only open R14, R2000 (15), R2004 (16), R2007 (17) and R2010
(18).  R12 DXFs can be imported if desired.  There is a new version of the
program every year, but a change in file formats is only made when the
program really goes to the next major version every three years (typically),
for instance, 2007 is R17, 2008 is R17.1, 2009 is R17.2 and 2010 is R18.

In my opinion, supporting anything before R2000 is a complete waste of
time...that's the oldest you ever see in a work environment.


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