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Re: [libreplanet-discuss] DRM in HTML5

From: Thomas Harding
Subject: Re: [libreplanet-discuss] DRM in HTML5
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2013 00:23:06 +0100
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Le 18/03/2013 21:30, d.dn a écrit :
Hi all,

HTML5 will be a pressure to which the free Software will be confronted,
but expect to see the results of the work of the W3C, and seeing the
guidelines that will be taken.
Considering DRM as "an obligation", the only way such a DRM would be acceptable in a W3 standard would a public domain or at option published as Free Software, not impaired by any patent algorithm.

In addition, that kind of DRM would be based on a key pair owned not by licensor of content but the person who reads content, with ability to the last to register on any place she wants.

But is really any DRM needed?

The question is that DRM, regarding publication (generally speaking), is a *new restriction*.

That kind of restriction came with videocassetes (with exceptions as the mirror writing from Da Vinci and various cypher models, never intended to protect content from copy by the public but for privacy or secret).

Moreover, any kind of DRM would be inefficient at short term (cryptology is a sport for numerous human beings), and in case of efficient and unbreakable, will impair the future of that content more than celluloïd and acid paper did. Who loose? Humanity. Who gain? A few enterprises, short term.

A regular offer with reasonable fees is a better answer than DRM : most of publication costs has been due to physical copy (with many losses, eg for printing) and distribution. These costs has dramatically decreased with dematerialization... with no effect on customer : just compare a longlplaying price to 15 songs downloaded as regular offer!

Publishers are greedy. They want more. They want longer. They want if possible forever, and they want Fair Use to disppear.

DRM is unfair publishing.

It's a matter that Free Software (various) movements lobby now, or been part of W3C teams, and not only major companies.

A countervailing power is really needed where majors comercial companies has parazited a fair good organization, forgetting the real scope : interoperability (remember canvas was aknowledged instead of svg, which for last has been for long a W3 project and for first a single company one).

T. Harding

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