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Re: [libreplanet-discuss] Fwd: The FSF Allows No Derivatives

From: rysiek
Subject: Re: [libreplanet-discuss] Fwd: The FSF Allows No Derivatives
Date: Tue, 26 May 2015 23:14:50 +0200
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Dnia sobota, 16 maja 2015 00:30:07 Will Hill pisze:
> Your problem seems to be copyright wielded by a rapacious publishing
> industry. What does that have to do with Richard Stallman saying ND is
> appropriate for works of opinion, or translation?

Rules should be the same for everybody. If it's not okay for entity/person A 
to "wield" copyright against somebody, it's not okay for entity/person B to do 
so either.

Another problem here is that I do not find the distintion between "works of 
opinion" and "works of art" meaningful. A "work of opinion" can become a "work 
of art" by simply changing the context -- and -ND is blind to this. Hence, it 
blocks culture.

> GNU is not keeping you from writing great music texts.  If Richard Stallman
> was magically in charge of laws tomorrow, I think you would get your chance
> to write textbooks.

Again, the JSONPL example, already quoted in this thread, comes to mind. The 
JSON Publi License stated that "software can be used for good, not evil". You 
could have made an identical argument there -- the author of the software 
would not stop you from writing great software, right?

Still, FSF considers JSONPL not a free/libre license, and rightfully so. As 
the problem is: who defines what is good, and what is evil? Freedom is the 
important part in case of free software, and so it should be in case of texts 
about it.

Can you imagine a clause similar to -ND in a free software license? Of course 
not, that would make software non-free.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak

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