On Sat, 2015-10-17 at 14:59 +0000, Mary-Anne Wolf wrote:
> You suggested something "like" gittorrent.
> How would this differ from gittorrent?
> Mary-Anne
The issue is that the GNU project / FSF is proposing to give grades to
various places that host free software source code repositories and
endorse a few. We need to stop endorsing centralized solutions and
develop standards for free software projects to host their own
repositories or use / develop tools that aid projects in doing so.
Developing standards is the important part of this because most projects
don't host their own code in a secure way and they don't sign their code
in a verifiable way.
The whole point I was making is that the GNU project / FSF should not be
repeating the whole process of endorsing one or a few centralized places
to host free software projects. The free software community has gone
through the failure of centralized source code repository hosts several
times and I'm sure it will happen a few more if we keep up this cycle. I
only brought up gittorrent because it seemed close to what I was
thinking of, but other tools are needed to make it work.
Robert Call (Bob)