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Re: [libreplanet-discuss] Virtual Reality and user freedom

From: Yui Hirasawa
Subject: Re: [libreplanet-discuss] Virtual Reality and user freedom
Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2016 11:25:24 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.24 (2015-08-30)

> I think at some point there will be a global VR network, and since
> companies like Facebook and Google already invested heavily in VR,
> they will be the ones setting the rules.

I don't think there will be a separate VR network, just VR headsets
communicating over the regular Internet.

> Virtual Reality is not like ordinary software, because it can create
> false memories ([0]), cause dissociation and depersonalization ([1])
> and alienate people ([2]). If put in the wrong hands (and it already
> is), it can be used as a tool for total control, like in the movie
> "The Matrix".

I had not heard of these things. Quite scary.

> How do you think the libre community should prepare for VR?

I think that to have any say in the market someone needs to set out to
design an open hardware VR headset and people will have to start
developing libraries to support VR.

> I don't think we could just sweep this issue under the rug and say
> "it's just another category of software"

It's another category of hardware if anything. I hope it won't be as
proprietary and closed down as the smartphone market is currently.

> because I think VR can affect user freedom in a way that no other
> software can

Other software can be used quite effectively to control people's
thoughts as well, think of advertising or how facebook shows certain
posts to certain people.

> especially once more advanced technologies like neural interfaces are
> developed.

Yeah, as cool as it is I am NOT plugging anything that's not completely
free and open directly to my brain.

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