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Someone is auto-replying with no reply content (was: Planned Obsolescenc

From: Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Subject: Someone is auto-replying with no reply content (was: Planned Obsolescence)
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2020 17:23:53 -0300
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Icedove/68.10.0

The user Stanisława Pałętka, which is apparently subscribed to this list. 
Attached is a reply from per, citing my message, but with no reply content.

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--- Begin Message --- Subject: Re: Planned Obsolescence Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2020 19:15:50 +0100
   W dniu środa, 16 grudnia 2020 Adonay Felipe Nogueira via
   libreplanet-discuss <[1]>

     Note: Sorry Jason Self, the reply isn't meant directly to you, but
     to other people. Since many have replied in ways which are of
     interest to the issue I raise here, I decided to reply in general
     instead of wasting time replying individually.
     Em 10/12/2020 22:14, Jason Self escreveu:
     > We're looking for articles describing specific instances of
     > obsolescence in computing which relate somehow to nonfree
     > If you know of an example which is not listed in
     > [2] please
     mail the
     > URL to [3] so we can list it there.
     I hope that the non-free software announced in this thread (such as
     LineageOS and stock Android) get replaced eventually by those who
     just fostered these.
     The issue of proprietary obsolescence is the same both for
     manufacturer or carrier-specific system distributions and also for
     the non-free ones announced here by other commenters.
     Since this mailing list has focus on general discussions, fostering
     installation or usage of non-free software might not be a good idea.
     * Ativista do software livre
             * [4]
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--- End Message ---

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