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Re: FSF continuously harms Free Hardware

From: Jacob Hrbek
Subject: Re: FSF continuously harms Free Hardware
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2022 18:35:11 +0000

> Is the FSF a copyright holder of Ender-3? If not, they cannot enforce
the license. -- Giudice

FSF is the copyright holder

On 1/18/22 19:31, Valentino Giudice wrote:
INAL, but:
I though you would say that so i filled ` #1798270`
Copyright can only be enforced by the copyright holders of a work
(who, in principle, can allow any party to violate any term of the
license if they wish to do so).

Are you a copyright holder of Ender-3? If so, and if you are not a
lawyer yourself, get a lawyer involved, if you haven't yet. Don't
threaten to get a lawyer, don't wait before you do.

Is the FSF a copyright holder of Ender-3? If not, they cannot enforce
the license.

The correct thing to do for anyone other than the copyright holder,
when they see a violation, is, for those who are not the copyright
holders, t
o report it to the copyright holders, since they can enforce
it and they know if they gave any license exception to any party
(note: GIMP disagrees with me on this, but they also disagree with
making a public statement:

The correct approach for the copyright holder is to get a lawyer
immediately, before anything else (before writing to the violator and
before making public statements, for sure) and then do whatever the
lawyer says.
Jacob Hrbek

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