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Re: Should we take steps to reduce russian access to Free Software?

From: gregor
Subject: Re: Should we take steps to reduce russian access to Free Software?
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2022 18:57:56 +0100
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hi all. here is what i feel.

war is something, where banks win and people loose. i hoped FSF was not a politically oriented organization.

makes me sad, seeing how FSF rushes to be "politically correct" in the world run by propaganda machines.

agitprop is what i see, which is to say it obviouslly works.

to make it clear, i am not the side of some country nor some army norĀ  some soldiers (poor souls, not to mention civilians), but on the side of peace. once someone during a war takes side, he/she becomes a soldier.

sad is what i am.




live by the sword die by the sword is what bible says

On 24. 02. 22 18:43, Arthur Torrey wrote:
Much as we might want to shut off the Russians, I don't think this is something 
that the GPL type licenses allow...  This has come up time and time again in 
regards to limiting access to all sorts of other undesirables, and the bottom 
line is that as long as they are complying w/ the licenses (i.e. copylefting 
changes, etc.) they can't be cut off...

An ironic / amusing question I remember being raised a while back: Is the 
question about if Free Software is used in a 'smart' weapon, (smart bomb 
guidance system, drone, etc.); and an intact device falls into the hands of the 
enemy, does that count as 'distribution' and entitle the enemy to demand the 
corresponding source code?


Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2022 08:04:30 +0000
From: Jacob Hrbek <>
To: Leah Rowe via libreplanet-discuss
Subject: Should we take steps to reduce russian access to Free
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"

Today russian forces invaded ukraine and started an unprovoked war with
free software being used across russia and in the government thus
playing a major role in russia's war capabilities.

Should we and can we take steps to prevent/reduce russia's access to our

Arthur Torrey - <>

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