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Re: For reviewing a new free license. People who have read and understan

From: Julian Daich
Subject: Re: For reviewing a new free license. People who have read and understand the GPL
Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2022 16:26:52 +0200
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El 6/3/22 a las 14:27, Pen-Yuan Hsing escribió:
> Dear Julian,
> Have you looked at the CERN Open Hardware License 2.0?
>> It has a strongly-reciprocal variant which is like the GPL but for
> physical objects:

Hi Pen-Yuan,

I read both licenses. They have very limited enforceability.

> Is there something you're trying to do with this LINDS license that the
> CERN OHL 2.0 does not?

Yes, better legal enforceability and the way in which trademarks are

You are welcome to read and compare.



> On 3/6/22 10:40, Julian Daich wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am looking for volunteers to review a free license very close to the
>> GPL v.3  but with some key differences
>> It is intended to be used for licensing physical things and other
>> aspects of technology in general in addition to copyright as methods,
>> formulations. etc
>> The license is copyleft and patent left. Patents are not necessary to
>> be used with it, however the license works better combined with
>> patents for works not purely covered by copyright.
>> Trademarks are handled very differently than the GPL.
>> The first work to be released under this license is a therapeutic
>> device, however it was designed to be used to release any work that
>> can derive in a copyright, patent claim or trademark. The last version
>> of the license can be found here
>> We( me and other developers involved) are using the term Free Acces
>> Technology to refer to works released under this license.
>> The purpose of the review is to have feedback and to identify possible
>> problems, bugs and improvements. Everyone interested in the task can
>> contact me in private. Having previously read and understood the GPL
>> is very preferable for the task.
>> Best,
>> Julian

Julian Daich


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