Dear David, I would like to do something like this: %%%snippet %%%%%% % fully written out example \relative c' { \time 4/4 c8 r8 r4 r2 r2 fis8 r8 r4 \time 3/4 c8 r8 r4 r4 r8 e r4 r
} %% desired form of how to input code \relative c' { \time 4/4 \makerests 4/4 c8 \makerests 4/4 {r8 fis } \time 3/4 \makerests 3/4 c8 \makerests 3/4 { r8 e} } %%%%% Off course, one should have a shortcut for makerhythm (eventually defined in frescobaldi or selsewhere). This could save a lot of typesetting and it would be harder to write too many or less rests.
>Dear community,
> I don't like to write lots of rests by hand into bars with only very
> few notes.
> Using the wonderful script extractMusic of Gilles, which I found at
> I've
> defined functions that fill up automatically a 3/4 or 4/4 bar with
> rests.
> Off course I could easily define more functions for the most common
> timesignatures, but I would like to define a function, with which one
> can chose.
> I'm dreaming of something like:
> \makerests 4/4 c8