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Contemporary bar layout [was Re: Horizontal spacing bug?]

From: Andrew Bernard
Subject: Contemporary bar layout [was Re: Horizontal spacing bug?]
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2019 10:49:06 +1000
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On 4/10/2019 3:34 am, Aaron Hill wrote:

How standardized is this so-called "modernist" music?

Not in any way at all. There's no ISO standard! :-) Every composer is different. I am curious that you refer to modernism as 'so-called'.  Modernism has been a major art movement for over 100 years. It's not something new or strange. The term has been applied to music likewise since mid last century.

All I have ever asked is that the measure layout engine be able have its nice variable barline position attribute turned off when people want fixed length bars. I am well aware of the massive code and architectural issues this may present and it appears to be impossible. I find this curious since the hallmark of lilypond is flexibility and extensibiilty, yet it has a doggedly unchangeable viewpoint of only one way to layout bars in the page. Yes, I have read the essay on why liypond is superior because it varies bar position in repetitive music from line to line, with the justification that this enables musicians to find their place on the page more easily should they look away and then back again. It's a nice idea, but speaking a as a player myself, I have never accepted this or bought that idea. I don't have that problem, neither does any player I have met. Where is the actual evidence for that? I think that's really a purely aesthetic decision. And the thing is, it is a decision forced on us by lilypond and the point is it is not what everybody wants.

It seems to me that a lot of jazz players want chord sheets with lined up barlines for _ease_ of reading, and that request comes up from time to time on this list. Another user case.


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