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Re: How can I print only some parts of a score (staves, but no chords)?

From: Alessandro Bertulli
Subject: Re: How can I print only some parts of a score (staves, but no chords)?
Date: Mon, 01 May 2023 14:24:17 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.8.11; emacs 30.0.50

Thanks, this is the idea I would like to do, since I need to combine
multiple files together, and thus I cannot simply use variables: I
should use distinct names for everything, not to mention that I couldn't
just "test out" a new piece while I'm writing it without recomposing the
entire "book".

Let me explain, because I'm afraid I fell into the XY problem (if that's
true I apologize for the time wasted). I have a directory with all the
songs I transcribed, like:


I would like to be able to compose each song separately (so that I can
quickly inspect what I am doing, and in case print out a single sheet
per time), and then maybe have a file (LaTeX or Lilypond) that includes
different songs. There, I would like to control whether to print chords
or not depending on a option (even better a CLI argument, but I don't
think it's possible).

> Sure! Just
> \include “chorded.ily”
> or not, depending on whether you want chords — then be sure to \remove the 
> relevant engravers in your main file, and \consist them in chorded.ily and 
> voila!  :)

Yeah I too was thinking about style sheets, but I am still a beginner
and I don't know how to use them. Can I disable an engraver for an
entire file, for instance? Because if so then it's trivial, I can just
place at the beginning of the "main" file whether I want chords or not,
then simply \include the song files(?)

Alessandro Bertulli

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