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Re: Sublime Text and point and click

From: Andrew Bernard
Subject: Re: Sublime Text and point and click
Date: Sat, 6 May 2023 00:17:43 +1000

You can use editors with point and click. There's a section on it in the NR. The PDF's contains textedit links that editors can respond to in order to position the cursor on the line and column. So you have two way editing like Frescobaldi, which use the same PDF links. It used to work well with Atom, but that is now discontinued. Although I am a long term of user of emacs which also works, I don't like the buggy lilypond mode (altho nobody is forcing me to use the mode). Gvim works but is buggy. I was hoping Sublime Text may be able to work in server mode like these other editors and seeking people's experience.

[Why don't I just use Frescobaldi? It hangs on my very large and complex scores, and has done so for years, but that is a different topic.]

[My context is Linux.]


On 5/05/2023 11:02 pm, AHF wrote:
I have used Sublime Text for years. It’s my everyday text editor. But I don’t 
understand your question? What are you trying to do?

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