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Re: Sublime Text and point and click

From: Kenneth Flak
Subject: Re: Sublime Text and point and click
Date: Fri, 05 May 2023 15:22:52 +0000


If you want to get autocomplete working though, then you might have to engage 
in some voodoo, depending on which completion engine you're using. I use 
nvim-cmp, which makes it necessary to enlist the cmp-dicitionary source, and 
specify all the dictionary files in the configuration:

     filetype = {
         lilypond = {

... and setting `dictionary` as a completion source in the cmp.setup function...

I also highly recommend setting up one of the many snippet plugins.


Roosna & Flak - Contemporary Dance & Music
Code: {github,gitlab}.com/kflak
On  6 May 2023  01:02, Andrew Bernard wrote:
>No - this is great. By no means hijacked. I'll go with that. Thanks! I
>only bring up Sublime Text because I couldn;t find the relevant neovim
>Neovim is pretty good.
>On 6/05/2023 12:56 am, Kenneth Flak wrote:
>> As a matter of fact, I tried the neovim-remote version now. It's pretty 
>> straightforward to set up, and it works! Sorry to hijack the sublime text 
>> thread, but since y'all were already going on about gvim, I thought I'd butt 
>> in :-)

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