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Changing distance between chord suffixes

From: Lib Lists
Subject: Changing distance between chord suffixes
Date: Sat, 27 May 2023 17:59:19 +0200

in the following example (see attached edited pdf) I'd like to reduce
the distance between the suffixes. It looks like the distance between
the root and the first suffix is smaller than the distances between
the following suffixes.

\version "2.25.5"
  des:maj7.5+ fis:7.5+.9+.11+

>From what I understand the distance is caused by the (empty?)
chordNameSeparator, but I have no idea how to modify it.

Thank you in advance for any hint,

Attachment: 2305271743_LILYPOND_Distance_between_chord_suffixes_cropped_001.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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