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Re: [Linphone-users] linphone-1.7.1 produces incorrect User-Agent header

From: Simon Morlat
Subject: Re: [Linphone-users] linphone-1.7.1 produces incorrect User-Agent header
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 14:31:08 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.7

Thanks for the notice.
I have modified the source to have something like 
Linphone/2.0.0 (eXosip/3.0.3)


Le Sunday 07 October 2007 02:09:56 address@hidden, vous avez écrit :
> The linphone/linphonec application sends out a User-Agent: header that
> does not conform to common internet practices.
> Example:
>       CSeq: 1 REGISTER
>       Contact: <sip:address@hidden:5060>
>       Max-Forwards: 70
>       User-Agent: Linphone-1.7.1/eXosip
> Problems:
> - the version number should be separated by the program name with a slash
> ('/')
> - the agent and any subproducts which form a significant part of the
>   agent should be listed in order of their significance for
>   identifying the application
> - the user-agent string should be user configurable
> A more correct form of the header could be:
>       User-Agent: Linphone/1.7.1 eXosip/0.1
> References:
> - news article format, section 6.16
> - understanding User-Agent strings
> - email message headers & descriptions
> Thanks to all the developers for making such a great free communication
> tool.
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> Linphone-users mailing list
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