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Re: [Linphone-users] Problems with SIP adresses

From: Simon Morlat
Subject: Re: [Linphone-users] Problems with SIP adresses
Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 12:54:02 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.9


In the first case, your call is routed through the proxy, in the second case 
it is made directly to
Unless is itself a proxy, direct calls are more sensitive to 
firewall issues. Indeed, some proxies, such as ser, automatically deal with 
firewall issues by doing RTP relay of audio and video streams.
A log obtained with --verbose would confirm or infirm the hypothesis.


Le Tuesday 22 April 2008 17:17:52 Salvatore Del Popolo, vous avez écrit :
> Hello,
> I experience the following problem using linphonec.
> linphonec correctly registers to the sip proxy. If I call a PSTN number,
> like "call 3295", all is ok. If I call a SIP address like "call
> sip:address@hidden", the peer heras me, but I don't hear the other
> peer. I modified audio_jitter_comp, rec_lev and play_lev parameters, but
> nothing changes.
> Could you give some hints?
> Thank you for your help.
> Ciao
> Salvo
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