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Re: [Linphone-users] video troubles: sip number to test video?

From: Liviu Andronic
Subject: Re: [Linphone-users] video troubles: sip number to test video?
Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2011 23:59:13 +0100
User-agent: Opera Mail/11.01 (Linux)

Hello Simon

On Thu, 10 Mar 2011 16:53:27 +0100, Liviu Andronic <address@hidden> wrote:
- you set an upload bandwidth limit to 128kb/s (kilo bits per seconds),
which corresponds to the 15KB (kilo bytes) you are observing

Silly me, why didn't I think of that?! :)


So if you are sure you have the bandwidth for, you can increase the
upload bandwidth limit in the codec tab of the settings, which will
result in better quality.

I've tested my internet connection with voipreview [1] and I get 562kbps downloads and 628kbps uploads, which are in the 70KB range that I noticed Skype was using. I'll try with the new limits and report back.

I've just tested a video call with a friend, both using latest linphone with speex/16 and H264. With the bandwidth limits properly specified, the video basically worked as expected: most of the time the image is of good quality (sometimes it seems better than Skype) and the audio is also very good (definitely better than Skype, which freezes every two minutes or so). So this solves my original problem. There are still a couple of hitches with the video quality, but this is relatively minor and I'll address them in a separate thread.

Thank you



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