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Re: [Linphone-users] Grandstream GDS3710

From: Trent Creekmore
Subject: Re: [Linphone-users] Grandstream GDS3710
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2021 17:50:00 -0600
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If the log is not helpful, then you are going to have to connect to some SIP proxy or open source based router where you can install and run sngrep on it. You can then easily check the SIP signaling in order to see what is going on.

On 11/9/21 5:25 PM, Chris Jackson wrote:
Thanks for the response.

Yes, I know what the response means. Apologies for not stating this, but that 
is what I meant earlier when I said that without seeing the packets it’s 
unclear what is actually wrong - the server reports that the request is invalid 
(malformed), but that in itself doesn’t help without seeing the packet to try 
and understand WHAT part it has a problem with. I know that it works with other 
SIP servers (such as FreeSwitch) so the question is how to get it to work with 
LinPhone server.


On 10/11/2021, at 12:19 PM, Trent Creekmore <> wrote:

Have you looked up the SIP response code for 400?

"The request could not be understood due to malformed syntax."

On 11/9/21 4:59 PM, Chris Jackson wrote:
I was wondering if anyone has the Grandstream GDR3710 SIP phone/camera working 
with LinPhones SIP cloud? I’ve managed to get it working with a local server 
running FreeSwitch to connect to the LinPhone apps, but once I use the LinPhone 
SIP switch it fails to connect. Unfortunately the debug output from the GDS3710 
is not especially useful - it shows a 400 response is returned from the server, 
but as I can’t seem to get it to output the request or response packets it’s 
unclear what is actually wrong.

The GDS3710 can only support numerical extensions so I’ve used an account like and this works for calling between phones. I should also 
add that I can connect TO the GDS3710 from another client (eg the LinPhone app 
on an iPhone) and get voice and video, but I can’t initiate the call from the 

If someone has this running I’d appreciate some pointers on how this was set up.

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