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Re: [Linphone-users] Linphone-users Digest, Vol 245, Issue 3

From: Iglesias, Jonatan (SAN Teleport)
Subject: Re: [Linphone-users] Linphone-users Digest, Vol 245, Issue 3
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2023 16:02:43 +0200

Thanks Andrej Mikus,

        Is there another way to use linphone for calling to no SIP numbers?


Jonatan Iglesias
Operations Department

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-----Mensaje original-----
En nombre de Andrej Mikus
Enviado el: viernes, 23 de junio de 2023 17:10
Asunto: Re: [Linphone-users] Linphone-users Digest, Vol 245, Issue 3

On Fri, 23.Jun.23 10:52:17 -0400, wrote:
>    3. Re:  Trying to configure an account
>       (Iglesias, Jonatan (SAN Teleport))
>    4.  Trying to configure an account (Iglesias, Jonatan (SAN Teleport))
>    9. Re:  Trying to configure an account
>       (Iglesias, Jonatan (SAN Teleport))
>   10. Re:  Trying to configure an account (Greg Troxel)
>   11.  Trying to configure an account in a iPhone
>       (Iglesias, Jonatan (SAN Teleport))

Consider to search the archive, perhaps your issue was already discussed? I
believe this answer applies to you?

The account at is for making calls to other SIP accounts,
not to phone numbers.

Hope this helps

Linphone user, not the product support

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