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Re: [Linphone-users] Linphone-desktop: can't make outgoing calls because

From: ael
Subject: Re: [Linphone-users] Linphone-desktop: can't make outgoing calls because keypad is in the way
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 2023 15:36:01 +0100

On Mon, Aug 07, 2023 at 03:32:59PM +0200, Julien Favre-Bulle wrote:
> Hello,
> You can hide the DTMF keyboard by clicking on the icon next to the search
> bar circled in blue in my screenshot.
Ok. thanks for that. Not very intuitive, at least for me, but now I

I now find it easier just to turn off the automatic keyboard setting.

In passing, I had a strange situation where clicking the keyboard didn't
send any tones, but in subsequent tests I can't reproduce that. That was
when there were two windows each with a keypad: perhaps I was using the
wrong keypad? 

Those 2 keypads appeared because I was experimenting with the user
interface with the first keypad when an incoming call popped up a second
window and a second keypad when I answered the call.

Thanks for the work on linphone.


> Julien Favre-Bulle
> Business Developer

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