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[lwip-users] Sharing TCP port

From: Danish Ali
Subject: [lwip-users] Sharing TCP port
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2021 15:15:37 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.14; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/78.7.1

I would like to be able to have multiple simultaneous TCP links to a single port (in my case 5060 for SIP).

I have in lwipopts.h

#define SO_REUSE                        1

I can receive incoming links fairly easily by way of:
    err_t tcp_err = ERR_CLSD;
    siptcp_accept = netconn_new_with_callback(NETCONN_TCP, sipconn_callback);
    if (siptcp_accept != nullptr) {
        ip_set_option(siptcp_accept->pcb.tcp, SOF_REUSEADDR);
        tcp_err = netconn_bind(siptcp_accept, IP_ADDR_ANY, 5060);
    if (tcp_err == ERR_OK) {
        logString("Listening for SIP TCP on port 5060\n");

And then in my event loop

        if (siptcp_accept->acceptmbox->n > 0) {
            netconn *accept = nullptr;
            err_t accept_err = netconn_accept(siptcp_accept, &accept);
            if (accept_err == ERR_OK) {

But I am not sure how to make _outgoing_ TCP links such that they will share that same port number.

I start with

    netconn *create = netconn_new(NETCONN_TCP);

how do I tell lwip that I want it to be on 5060 on my local port before I tell it the remote address I want to connect to?

If I try

    err_t tcp_err = netconn_bind(create, &remote.IPAddress, 5060);

I get the error ERR_USE = -8 /** Address in use.          */

And if I skip that and immediately call

    tcp_err = netconn_connect(create, &remote.IPAddress, remote.port);

it opens with a random port. I want it to come from 5060 on my machine because other ports might be blocked by a firewall.

Is this possible in lwip? If so, how might I do it?

Many thanks,

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