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Re: Tarlz 0.26 'make check' test failure on Debian 12

From: Antonio Diaz Diaz
Subject: Re: Tarlz 0.26 'make check' test failure on Debian 12
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2025 02:54:32 +0100
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Aren Tyr wrote:
Pleased to hear the feedback is useful.

Yes, thanks. Feedback is especially useful for tarlz, which is the most complex and less mature tool in the lzip family. (Note that the version number is still below 1.0).

I think I'm going to limit the --mtime test to dates since the epoch up to
the year 2242 to avoid these incompatibilities with touch.

Sounds like a sensible course of action.

I have already fixed it. The change will appear in the next version. Thanks.

Anyway, here is where the possible interest lies: using compression level '-9' with 
everything else as per defaults appears to have generated a faulty archive. In 
particular, listing the entire contents of the tarlz archive via '-tf' caused it to 
abort/stop with "data error" with the AppImage.tgz file as the last entry, so I 
presume that was what it was failing on.

This is in fact a serious problem that needs to be diagnosed ASAP.

1. It is "normal" that using maximum compression level '-9' can cause some 
failures/problems with created archives?

No, it is not normal. I always use level -9 and never had a problem. If level -9 has a problem, I'm very interested in fixing it.

Level -9 may run out of memory on some machines, but if it happens it is clearly diagnosed.

Level -9 uses more memory than level -6, and is therefore more frequently affected by RAM errors. I recommend to repeat the exact command where you used level -9 and compare the resulting archive with the faulty one: - If they are identical, it is a bug in tarlz. If this is the case, please, send the output of 'lzip -tvvvv'. - If they are different and the second is correct, it may be a bug (data race), or a memory problem. - If they are different but both are faulty, it may be also a bug (data race), or a memory problem. In this case try creating the archive with one thread (--threads=1) to discard a data race.

2. If not, I can try to get you some more diagnostic information, I presume I 
can simply use some verbosity switches to get tarlz to be more informative 
about the underlying issue.

You may try to diagnose the exact defect in the faulty archive with lzip because it gives the most precise diagnostics:
  lzip -tvvvv large_archive.tar.lz

The most important thing is to find out if the problem is in tarlz or in the machine (RAM).

3. I presume the fact that the archive lists all files without apparent issue 
with default compression settings means its integrity can be trusted.

'--list' can't be trusted to detect corruption in multimember archives unless multi-threading is disabled (--threads=0). See http://www.nongnu.org/lzip/manual/tarlz_manual.html#Multi_002dthreaded-decoding

"On the other hand, multi-threaded --list won't detect corruption in the tar member data because it only decodes the part of each lzip member corresponding to the tar member header."

I usually check tar.lz archives with 'tarlz -d' just after creation, and at any later time with 'lzip -tv' or 'plzip -tv' to make sure that all the data is checked.

I am just checking because my intention was to switch over to using tarlz as my 
default backup format precisely because of the extra integrity/recovery/safety 
it provides versus a stock tar.xz archive.

Excelent election! :-)

But remember that it does not matter how safe is the format if the archive is created corrupt because of a bug in the tool or a faulty RAM. Check everything twice at creation time.

Best regards,

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