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Re: Porting m4 to z/OS

From: Eric Blake
Subject: Re: Porting m4 to z/OS
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2008 18:43:24 -0600
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[Please keep mail on the list; it makes it easier to revisit in the
archives.  Adding bug-gnulib, since that is where the stdio enhancements
are maintained]

According to David Crayford on 7/30/2008 7:46 AM:
|> Good point. There is a lot of rework from the m4 that was ported back in
|> 2001 vs 1.4.11. I notice some functions in lib
|> such as fpurge() etc that I will need to port. My background is systems
|> programming, and I made a start with 1.4.11 reverse
|> engineering the z/OS FILE opaque type into a structure that I kind of
|> understand. FILE consists of a visible
|> portion for getc(), putc() and a hidden section which has all the
|> interesting stuff. I'm not familiar with fpurge()
|> etc but with your help I'm confident of a good result.

Yes, m4 uses quite a few of the stdio enhancement functions available from
gnulib; Bruno Haible has more tips on how to port them to a new platform.

- --
Don't work too hard, make some time for fun as well!

Eric Blake             address@hidden
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