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Unable to import R7RS libraries in the REPL

From: Sam Lee
Subject: Unable to import R7RS libraries in the REPL
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2021 07:23:49 +0000

I have this R7RS library written in a file "mylib.sld":

(define-library (example mylib)
  (import (scheme base)
          (scheme write))
  (export f g)
    (define (f x)
      (+ x 1))
    (define (g x)
      (display "The answer is: ")
      (display (f x))

To use the library above in the MIT Scheme REPL, I tried:

$ mit-scheme
1 ]=> (load "mylib.sld")
1 ]=> (import (example mylib))

However, the (import ...) fails. Apparently "import" is not available in
the REPL. Is that a bug? Is there a way to import an R7RS library for
use in the REPL?

MIT Scheme version: 11.2

Best regards,

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