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Re: Latin Phrases on exit

From: Stewart Milberger
Subject: Re: Latin Phrases on exit
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2023 18:22:15 -0500
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Expanding to French, "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche" [1], might be another interesting exit message for MIT Scheme.

I used GPT-2 to translate "Cogito, ergo sum, cogito", and it returned a rant which reminded me of the movie, "The Shining" [2]:

"Cogito. Ergo. Sum. Cogito. Cogito. Ergo. Sum. Cogito. Cogito. Ergo. Sum. Cogito. Cogito. Ergo. Sum. Cogito. Cogito. Ergo. Sum...."

After a couple hundred repetitions, it spit out a Python program:

  @pytest.mark.parametrize("test_string, expected", [
      ("I am the second thought in the big bang.", "I am the second thought in the big bang"),       ("I am the first thought in the big bang.", "I am the first thought in the big bang"),       ("I am the third thought in the big bang.", "I am the third thought in the big bang")
  def test_shifting_with_triple_quoted_strings(test_string, expected):
    assert md.shifting(test_string) == expected

I am not making this up.  I guess ChatGPT is an improvement.




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