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Re: [Mldonkey-users] Problem with the newer pango patches

From: Christian Lange
Subject: Re: [Mldonkey-users] Problem with the newer pango patches
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 08:55:10 +0100

Hallo BendAR,

>> use the old cvs tree 2.02 :)
> And where is the old? I don't know how I select which cvs tree I want
> to download.

To find out some basic information about some file in the CVS you use

   cvs stat <file>

The output contains only basic information. To find all tags attached to
some file you modify the command to

   cvs stat -v <file>

Since usually all files in the repository are tagged you can choose any
file in the top-level directory, for example Changelog.

   cvs stat -v ChangLog

results in

File: ChangeLog         Status: Up-to-date

   Working revision:    1.3
   Repository revision: 1.3     /cvsroot/mldonkey/mldonkey/ChangeLog,v
   Sticky Tag:          (none)
   Sticky Date:         (none)
   Sticky Options:      (none)

   Existing Tags:
        unstable-2-02-2                 (revision: 1.3)
        unstable-2-02-1                 (revision: 1.3)
        release-2-02                    (revision: 1.3)
        release-2-01-4                  (revision: 1.3)
        release-2-01-3                  (revision: 1.3)
        release-2-01-2                  (revision: 1.3)
        release-2-01                    (revision: 1.3)
        release-2-00+3                  (revision: 1.3)
        release-2-00+1                  (revision: 1.3)
        release-2-00                    (revision: 1.3)
        release_1-99_beta8              (revision: 1.3)
        release_1-99_beta7              (revision: 1.3)
        release_1-99_beta6              (revision: 1.3)
        release_1-99_beta5              (revision: 1.3)
        release_1-99_beta4              (revision: 1.3)
        release_1-99_beta3              (revision: 1.3)
        prerelease_1_99                 (revision: 1.3)
        release1_16                     (revision: 1.3)
        release_1_15                    (revision: 1.2)
        release1-11                     (revision: 1.2)

To checkout or update a specific revision you use the -r flag. If you
already checked out the newest version the easiest way is to

   cvs -q -z9 upd -r release-2-02 -dP

to update to the 2.02 release. From now on an update without the -r
parameter will only update, if a changed file gets the 'release-2-02'
tag (by moving the tag, or adding a file to the release). If you look at
the status of the file you should see the 'release-2-02' listed as
sticky tag. Since this is unlikely to happen your source tree won't
change after the usual update.

If you want to get the newest head version you can reset the sticky tag
with the '-A' parameter to update:

   cvs -q -z9 upd -dPA

In general, to get a list of cvs commands you use

   cvs --help-commands

for a list of global options

   cvs --help-options

and for a list of options to cvs sub-commands

   cvs -H <cmd>

for example

   cvs -H upd


 - Christian Lange, Berlin


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