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[Nel] Compiling Object Viewer w/Release config

From: Robert Bjarnason
Subject: [Nel] Compiling Object Viewer w/Release config
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2002 16:01:09 -0800


I get the following errors when I try compiling
Object Viewer in Release build mode on Windows,
It works fine in ReleaseDebug mode:

g:\CODE\NEL\SRC\3d/ps_attrib_maker_helper.h(327) : fatal error C1076: compiler 
limit : internal heap limit reached; use /Zm to specify a higher limit
        g:\CODE\NEL\SRC\3d/ps_attrib_maker_helper.h(939) : see reference to 
function template instantiation 'void __thiscall NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT<class 
NLMISC::CRGBA,class NL3D::CPSValueBlendFunc<class NLMISC::CRGBA> 
>::make4ByIterator(struct NL3D:
:CFDot3AddIterator<struct NL3D::CAdvance1616Iterator<class NLMISC::CVector 
const *,class NLMISC::CVector> >,void *,unsigned __int32,unsigned __int32,bool) 
const' being compiled
g:\CODE\NEL\SRC\3d/ps_attrib_maker_helper.h(467) : fatal error C1076: compiler 
limit : internal heap limit reached; use /Zm to specify a higher limit
        g:\CODE\NEL\SRC\3d/ps_attrib_maker_helper.h(1032) : see reference to 
function template instantiation 'void __thiscall NL3D::CPSAttribMakerT<struct 
NL3D::CPlaneBasis,class NL3D::CPSValueBlendFunc<struct NL3D::CPlaneBasis> 
truct NL3D::CDecalIterator,void *,unsigned __int32,unsigned __int32,unsigned 
__int32,bool) const' being compiled

Also when I try re-compiling anything I get
those errors, I always need to use Rebuild

G:\code\nel\src\3d\anim_detail_trav.cpp(26) : fatal error C1852: 
'../obj/Release/3d.pch' is not a valid precompiled header file

Warm regards,

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