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Re: [Nss-mysql-users] kernel 2.4.20 nss-mysql 0.43 problem

From: Nenad Perić
Subject: Re: [Nss-mysql-users] kernel 2.4.20 nss-mysql 0.43 problem
Date: Sat, 31 May 2003 10:46:23 +0200 (CEST)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.0

Hello again :))

I wanted to summarize what I think we have for a fact in this sort of
I have installed RedHat 9 (Shrike) over an existing system, and everything
worked fine, until the point where I wanted to compile kernel 2.4.20 which
I downloaded from kernel.org.
Looks like the kernel sources which come with RH distribution
(kernel2.4.20-8) compile well and nss keeps working. It only happens if I
try to compile a source downloaded from kernel.org.
So I am a bit confused, is it something RH people changed in their
distribution, or is it something I am doing wrong.
Mind you, I do not change any of the configuration, just kernel. So with a
simple change of running kernel I either get nss-mysql to work, or I get
it pretty stuck. No logs, no replies, no nothing :)
If someone has succesfully compiled 2.4.20 in a similar sitation, please
send your .config to the list? :)
This is really starting to get on my nerves actually hehe:)
And I hear a friend of mine is having a same problem (same OS, same
Any ideas would be appreciated.

Attached is my .config for kernel 2.4.20 from kernel.org



> Dans un message du 28 May ŕ 14:39, Nenad Peri? écrivait :
>> I have built nss-mysql with debugging support, and with the old kernel I
>> get a whole lot of stuff wirtten into my auth log, but with a new
>> compiled
>> kernel (2.4.20) nothing gets written into auth log..
>> Any hints? ideas? maybe something needs to be compiled into kernel?
>> Does kernel have to have module support? (in kernel 2.4.18 i had
>> disabled
>> module support and I think it worked fine)
> Can you send me your linux 2.4.20 .config file ?
> --
> Guillaume Morin <address@hidden>
>     Last night I saw the face of God, but waking I'd forgotten who she
> was.
>                                     (Addict)

Attachment: .config
Description: Binary data

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