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[Nuxeo-localizer] Unicode and StructuredText

From: Garikoitz Araolaza
Subject: [Nuxeo-localizer] Unicode and StructuredText
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 18:05:30 +0100


I found that since 2.6.0, Zope cannot render Structured Text with Unicode strings.

There is a collector log about the issue:

So long I understand (not much, to be true...), we (Latin-1 users) were very lucky StructuredText users, but now it doesn't work as we moved to Unicode.

I was surprised that no 8859-1-er pointed out that problem... So I privately asked to JDavid and he gave me a couple of tricks to solve this problem:

1- Patching the line 47 in (Hmmm... I'd say line 405, not 47...) with this code:

  if isinstance(v, StringType) or isinstance(v, UnicodeType)

(still untested by me)

2- Creating a filesystem method to be called at the place of fmt=structured-text so as:

    def stx(self, text):
        Interprets the text parameter as structured text and returns
        the HTML code.
        st = StructuredText.ST.Basic(text)
        doc = StructuredText.Document(st)
        return StructuredText.HTML(doc)

You see... there IS a solution. he problem is that I don't find myself confortable enough to be able to discuss this in a ZopeDev environment.

Is anybody interested in this isssue or am I (I mean we, at Code&Syntax) alone?


Garikoitz Araolaza

Azitaingo Industrialdea
Tel: +34 943 82 06 06

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