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[Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #65209] get() results should be alphabetized
From: |
Nicholas Jankowski |
Subject: |
[Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #65209] get() results should be alphabetized |
Date: |
Wed, 24 Jan 2024 16:15:37 -0500 (EST) |
Summary: get() results should be alphabetized
Group: GNU Octave
Submitter: nrjank
Submitted: Wed 24 Jan 2024 04:15:37 PM EST
Category: Octave Function
Severity: 2 - Minor
Priority: 5 - Normal
Item Group: Feature Request
Status: None
Assigned to: None
Originator Name:
Originator Email:
Open/Closed: Open
Release: dev
Discussion Lock: Any
Operating System: Any
Fixed Release: None
Planned Release: None
Follow-up Comments:
Date: Wed 24 Jan 2024 04:15:37 PM EST By: Nicholas Jankowski <nrjank>
when scanning through a list of object properties, it's helpful if they're in
alphabetical order. get() appears to alphabetize in subsections, first listing
all of the properties inherited from a base property set, then listing object
specific ones, while set() alphabetizes the full list. e.g. in the following
get() resets alphabetization after 'visible':
>> hf = figure(1);
>> get(hf)
ans =
scalar structure containing the fields:
beingdeleted = off
busyaction = queue
buttondownfcn = [](0x0)
children = -34.057
clipping = on
contextmenu = [](0x0)
createfcn = [](0x0)
deletefcn = [](0x0)
handlevisibility = on
hittest = on
interruptible = on
parent = 0
pickableparts = visible
selected = off
selectionhighlight = on
tag =
type = figure
userdata = [](0x0)
visible = on
alphamap =
closerequestfcn = closereq
color =
1 1 1
colormap =
2.6700e-01 4.8743e-03 3.2942e-01
2.7265e-01 2.5846e-02 3.5337e-01
2.7711e-01 5.0914e-02 3.7624e-01
2.8036e-01 7.4201e-02 3.9790e-01
2.8239e-01 9.5954e-02 4.1825e-01
2.8320e-01 1.1689e-01 4.3718e-01
currentaxes = -34.057
currentcharacter =
currentobject = [](0x0)
currentpoint =
dockcontrols = on
filename =
graphicssmoothing = on
innerposition =
862 73 560 420
integerhandle = on
inverthardcopy = on
keypressfcn = [](0x0)
keyreleasefcn = [](0x0)
menubar = figure
name =
number = 1
nextplot = add
numbertitle = on
outerposition =
862 104 560 472
paperorientation = portrait
paperposition =
1.1129 3.1471 6.2743 4.7057
paperpositionmode = auto
papersize =
8.5000 11.0000
papertype = usletter
paperunits = inches
pointer = arrow
pointershapecdata =
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
pointershapehotspot =
1 1
position =
862 73 560 420
renderer = opengl
renderermode = auto
resize = on
resizefcn = [](0x0)
selectiontype = normal
sizechangedfcn = [](0x0)
toolbar = auto
units = pixels
windowbuttondownfcn = [](0x0)
windowbuttonmotionfcn = [](0x0)
windowbuttonupfcn = [](0x0)
windowkeypressfcn = [](0x0)
windowkeyreleasefcn = [](0x0)
windowscrollwheelfcn = [](0x0)
windowstate = normal
windowstyle = normal
>> set(hf)
beingdeleted: [ {off} | on ]
busyaction: [ cancel | {queue} ]
clipping: [ off | {on} ]
dockcontrols: [ off | {on} ]
graphicssmoothing: [ off | {on} ]
handlevisibility: [ callback | off | {on} ]
hittest: [ off | {on} ]
integerhandle: [ off | {on} ]
interruptible: [ off | {on} ]
inverthardcopy: [ off | {on} ]
menubar: [ {figure} | none ]
nextplot: [ {add} | new | replace | replacechildren ]
numbertitle: [ off | {on} ]
paperorientation: [ landscape | {portrait} ]
paperpositionmode: [ {auto} | manual ]
papertype: [ <custom> | a | a0 | a1 | a2 | a3 | a4 | a5 | arch-a |
arch-b |
arch-c | arch-d | arch-e | b | b0 | b1 | b2 | b3 | b4 | b5 | c | d | e |
tabloid | uslegal | {usletter} ]
paperunits: [ centimeters | {inches} | normalized | points ]
pointer: [ {arrow} | botl | botr | bottom | circle | cross | crosshair
custom | fleur | hand | ibeam | left | right | top | topl | topr | watch ]
renderer: [ {opengl} | painters ]
renderermode: [ {auto} | manual ]
resize: [ off | {on} ]
selected: [ {off} | on ]
selectionhighlight: [ off | {on} ]
selectiontype: [ alt | extend | {normal} | open ]
toolbar: [ {auto} | figure | none ]
units: [ centimeters | characters | inches | normalized | {pixels} |
visible: [ off | {on} ]
windowstate: [ fullscreen | maximized | minimized | {normal} ]
windowstyle: [ docked | modal | {normal} ]
>> gg = get(hf)
gg =
scalar structure containing the fields:
beingdeleted = off
busyaction = queue
buttondownfcn = [](0x0)
children = -34.057
clipping = on
contextmenu = [](0x0)
createfcn = [](0x0)
deletefcn = [](0x0)
handlevisibility = on
hittest = on
interruptible = on
parent = 0
pickableparts = visible
selected = off
selectionhighlight = on
tag =
type = figure
userdata = [](0x0)
visible = on
alphamap =
closerequestfcn = closereq
color =
1 1 1
colormap =
2.6700e-01 4.8743e-03 3.2942e-01
2.7265e-01 2.5846e-02 3.5337e-01
currentaxes = -34.057
currentcharacter =
currentobject = [](0x0)
currentpoint =
dockcontrols = on
filename =
graphicssmoothing = on
innerposition =
862 73 560 420
integerhandle = on
inverthardcopy = on
keypressfcn = [](0x0)
keyreleasefcn = [](0x0)
menubar = figure
name =
number = 1
nextplot = add
numbertitle = on
outerposition =
862 104 560 472
paperorientation = portrait
paperposition =
1.1129 3.1471 6.2743 4.7057
paperpositionmode = auto
papersize =
8.5000 11.0000
papertype = usletter
paperunits = inches
pointer = arrow
pointershapecdata =
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
pointershapehotspot =
1 1
position =
862 73 560 420
renderer = opengl
renderermode = auto
resize = on
resizefcn = [](0x0)
selectiontype = normal
sizechangedfcn = [](0x0)
toolbar = auto
units = pixels
windowbuttondownfcn = [](0x0)
windowbuttonmotionfcn = [](0x0)
windowbuttonupfcn = [](0x0)
windowkeypressfcn = [](0x0)
windowkeyreleasefcn = [](0x0)
windowscrollwheelfcn = [](0x0)
windowstate = normal
windowstyle = normal
>> ss = set(hf)
ss =
scalar structure containing the fields:
alphamap = {}(0x0)
beingdeleted =
[1,1] = off
[2,1] = on
busyaction =
[1,1] = cancel
[2,1] = queue
buttondownfcn = {}(0x0)
clipping =
[1,1] = off
[2,1] = on
closerequestfcn = {}(0x0)
color = {}(0x0)
colormap = {}(0x0)
contextmenu = {}(0x0)
createfcn = {}(0x0)
currentaxes = {}(0x0)
deletefcn = {}(0x0)
dockcontrols =
[1,1] = off
[2,1] = on
filename = {}(0x0)
graphicssmoothing =
[1,1] = off
[2,1] = on
handlevisibility =
[1,1] = callback
[2,1] = off
[3,1] = on
hittest =
[1,1] = off
[2,1] = on
innerposition = {}(0x0)
integerhandle =
[1,1] = off
[2,1] = on
interruptible =
[1,1] = off
[2,1] = on
inverthardcopy =
[1,1] = off
[2,1] = on
keypressfcn = {}(0x0)
keyreleasefcn = {}(0x0)
menubar =
[1,1] = figure
[2,1] = none
name = {}(0x0)
nextplot =
[1,1] = add
[2,1] = new
[3,1] = replace
[4,1] = replacechildren
numbertitle =
[1,1] = off
[2,1] = on
outerposition = {}(0x0)
paperorientation =
[1,1] = landscape
[2,1] = portrait
paperposition = {}(0x0)
paperpositionmode =
[1,1] = auto
[2,1] = manual
papersize = {}(0x0)
papertype =
[1,1] = <custom>
[2,1] = a
[3,1] = a0
[4,1] = a1
[5,1] = a2
[6,1] = a3
[7,1] = a4
[8,1] = a5
[9,1] = arch-a
[10,1] = arch-b
[11,1] = arch-c
[12,1] = arch-d
[13,1] = arch-e
[14,1] = b
[15,1] = b0
[16,1] = b1
[17,1] = b2
[18,1] = b3
[19,1] = b4
[20,1] = b5
[21,1] = c
[22,1] = d
[23,1] = e
[24,1] = tabloid
[25,1] = uslegal
[26,1] = usletter
paperunits =
[1,1] = centimeters
[2,1] = inches
[3,1] = normalized
[4,1] = points
parent = {}(0x0)
pointer =
[1,1] = arrow
[2,1] = botl
[3,1] = botr
[4,1] = bottom
[5,1] = circle
[6,1] = cross
[7,1] = crosshair
[8,1] = custom
[9,1] = fleur
[10,1] = hand
[11,1] = ibeam
[12,1] = left
[13,1] = right
[14,1] = top
[15,1] = topl
[16,1] = topr
[17,1] = watch
pointershapecdata = {}(0x0)
pointershapehotspot = {}(0x0)
position = {}(0x0)
renderer =
[1,1] = opengl
[2,1] = painters
renderermode =
[1,1] = auto
[2,1] = manual
resize =
[1,1] = off
[2,1] = on
resizefcn = {}(0x0)
selected =
[1,1] = off
[2,1] = on
selectionhighlight =
[1,1] = off
[2,1] = on
selectiontype =
[1,1] = alt
[2,1] = extend
[3,1] = normal
[4,1] = open
sizechangedfcn = {}(0x0)
tag = {}(0x0)
toolbar =
[1,1] = auto
[2,1] = figure
[3,1] = none
units =
[1,1] = centimeters
[2,1] = characters
[3,1] = inches
[4,1] = normalized
[5,1] = pixels
[6,1] = points
userdata = {}(0x0)
visible =
[1,1] = off
[2,1] = on
windowbuttondownfcn = {}(0x0)
windowbuttonmotionfcn = {}(0x0)
windowbuttonupfcn = {}(0x0)
windowkeypressfcn = {}(0x0)
windowkeyreleasefcn = {}(0x0)
windowscrollwheelfcn = {}(0x0)
windowstate =
[1,1] = fullscreen
[2,1] = maximized
[3,1] = minimized
[4,1] = normal
windowstyle =
[1,1] = docked
[2,1] = modal
[3,1] = normal
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- [Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #65209] get() results should be alphabetized,
Nicholas Jankowski <=