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Re: I don't have functions like inv, pinv, det - build problem?

From: Hakan Yüksel
Subject: Re: I don't have functions like inv, pinv, det - build problem?
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 08:50:56 +0100


> After specifying --prefix=/usr, why were you expecting to find
> the .oct files in /usr/lib/octave/... instead of
> /usr/libexec/octave/...?

I have a source based linux distro. After having the mentioned problems with 
the self compiled source tarball of octave-2.1.73, I have installed binary 
packages of octave-2.1.73 on two other platforms. I have installed the binary 
packages on Ubuntu 6.10 and on cygwin. On both systems I did not have the 
problems. When I typed there "help inv" for example, I got the following output:

octave:1> help inv
inv is the dynamically-linked function from the file

That's the reason why I was expecting to find the .oct files in 

I have had the idea of specifying --libexecdir after typing "./configure 
--help" on my source distro. And that has solved my problem.

> What I'm trying to tell you is that if you use --prefix=/usr only (no
> --libexecdir option) then it should work, but you won't have the
> /usr/lib/octave/... directory tree but you should have a
> /usr/libexec/octave/... direoctry tree that contains the .oct files,
> and the /usr/libexec/octave/... directory tree should appear in your
> DEFAULT_LOADPATH directory, so Octave should be able to find the
> files.  You should not have to specify both --usr and --libexecdir
> configure options for Octave to work properly.

I understand what you mean, but after my originally build without using 
libexecdir but only "--prefix=/usr" I definitely did not have "/usr/libexec" or 
"/usr/lib/octave" or any other folder with the *.oct-files. I have searched my 
whole file system for the *.oct-files. There is a significant difference 
between "should be" and "is".

So this seems to be a bug in the configure script.

I hope now you have all the information you need.

Bye, Hakan

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