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Re: Integrating Quint into the Octave sources

From: Michael D Godfrey
Subject: Re: Integrating Quint into the Octave sources
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 10:21:36 -0700
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On 04/19/2011 09:59 AM, James Cloos wrote:
Wouldn't it be easier to make --gui the option and cli the default?

That avoids incompatible changes.  And most users who might want a gui
be default probably start octave via a .desktop file or other menu item;
those file can use a --gui option easier than existing scripts can add
a --no-gui option.

I much prefer this solution.  Particularly, if people use Octave on various
machines it is not so simple to create a new .octaverc in order to avoid
the unwanted GUI startup.  Currently, many users (in my experience)
do not have a startup script and they expect the cli startup.  Explaining
how to avoid the GUI is just overhead. 

People who do want the GUI will likely also want to tailor it for their
preferences, so they will need to learn about startup scripts.


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