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Re: Integrating Quint into the Octave sources

From: Przemek Klosowski
Subject: Re: Integrating Quint into the Octave sources
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2011 16:27:28 -0400
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On 04/19/2011 12:59 PM, James Cloos wrote:
Wouldn't it be easier to make --gui the option and cli the default?

That avoids incompatible changes.  And most users who might want a gui
be default probably start octave via a .desktop file or other menu item;
those file can use a --gui option easier than existing scripts can add
a --no-gui option.

How about having the executable (sym)linked under two names, say octave
and octave-gui, and code in the main() that looks at argv[0] and does
the expected thing according to the name Octave was called under?
I think this would work on Linux/Unix, Mac and Windows.

Doing it this way is essentially equivalent to using commandlines, but
it seems easier to explain to the end-user and avoids the shebang issues John mentioned.

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