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Re: Successful build of 3.6.1

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: Successful build of 3.6.1
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2012 13:21:23 -0500

On Feb 27, 2012, at 9:17 AM, Dr. Alexander Klein wrote:

> Am 27.02.2012 um 14:06 schrieb Ben Abbott:
>> I'm running Macports, so if there is a way to produce an app-bundle please 
>> point it out to me.
>> I'm aware that Macports can produce a bundle that can be distributed to 
>> other Macports users (contains all the octave related stuff in 
>> "/port/loca/l..."), but that is quite different from what I am looking for.
> If I understand the MacPorts documentation correctly, you should be able to 
> use
> sudo port mpkg octave
> to produce a metapackage containing all dependencies, and which can be used 
> even without MacPorts.
> Of course, people would still have to install X11.app, and open a terminal to 
> start it with /ports/local/bin/octave.
> If starting it from a terminal is too inconvenient, then a file named 
> Octave.command containing just the line
> /ports/local/bin/octave
> can be placed on the desktop, and has to be made executable by
> chmod a+rx ~/Desktop/Octave.command
> A double click on the icon should then be sufficient for start octave in a 
> terminal.
> It's not very elegant, but should work if MacPorts really provides the 
> mpkg-functionality.
> Best,

I tried to create a dmg for Octave, but ran into an error. One of the 
dependencies doesn't have its porturl set properly.

Rather than try to debug that, I tried gnuplot and was successful.

The resulting dmg does include all dependencies.

Unfortunately, it installs everything in /opt/local.

That may not be show stopper. I was able to manually construct a functional 
Gnuplot.app with the Macports stuff

        mkdir Gnuplot-4.4.4
        mkdir Gnuplot-4.4.4/Contents
        mkdir Gnuplot-4.4.4/Resources
        cp -a /opt/local Gnuplot-4.4.4/Contents/Resources
        chmod 731 Gnuplot-4.4.4

And then copy the plists, shell scripts, etc. from the old gnuplot.

The only problem I see is how to compile the small binary 

This isn't the actual gnuplot binary, but some MacOS think (I think?).


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